Thank you for visiting Equesure

Equesure Insurance has now closed, if you were a previous Equesure customer, your policy will now be administered by Lancaster Insurance. As a sister company to Equesure, Lancaster will ensure that your policy terms and conditions remain the same during this insurance year.

If you are an existing Horse insurance customer, we will be in contact in good time before your renewal date to share further information.

If you are an existing Horsebox or Trailer insurance customer, Lancaster Insurance will contact you ahead of your renewal date with an invitation to renew your policy.

If you need any assistance throughout the lifetime of your policy, Lancaster Insurance can help. Please do get in touch using one of the methods below.


Visit Lancaster Insurance

Contact Details:

Tel: 01480 484 806


Contact & Opening Times:

Monday-Friday: 08:30-18:00
Saturday: 08:30 - 13:00
Sunday: Closed
Bank Holidays: Closed

To purchase Horsebox or Horse Trailer insurance, please visit our sister company Lancaster Insurance.

Get a Quote

To purchase Horse insurance from Towergate Insurance (our partner of choice) please call them on 01242 894 109  or get a quote online.

Towergate are specialists in equine insurance which can include racehorses, bloodstock and veterans. They can also cover livery yards and stables.

Visit Towergate Insurance

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