The horses and I have been very busy the last few weeks since the arena has been completed wohoo!! I’ve been riding every day pretty much (whist also incorporating some lunge work too) and have loved every second (and I have to say no stiffness thanks to my training on the ross trainer)! I cannot believe how much I have missed it, although I do have to say I did have a bit of nerves the first time I sat on each one in the arena – Autumn was perfect and Bob – well he was too! He did walk off whilst I was finding my right stirrup (I noticed how much I struggled from not doing it for ages) but he was calm!

Horse riding

The horses love the surface and my old gal who normally felt stiff to ride had an extra spring in her step and was lovely and free moving! I think they are all enjoying being back in work secretly as Autumn is very enthusiastic when being ridden and shockingly Bob is behaving himself despite no calmer! Even Aria enjoyed a wander round the school, although when I did try to get her to walk out on the lunge line she became a crazy leaping womble but soon settled! I am being cautious about how I’m bringing them back to work as they haven’t done much over winter apart from the odd ride and being lunged (although they have kept one another fit with their crazy gallops around the fields) so will be building their exercises up gradually!


They’ve done a lot of walk work to start with and are now doing a bit of trot (much to their displeasure as they both want to have a good canter), so I want to ensure they don’t do too much too soon. Ive got Autumn booked in for a pleasure ride early next month, its not a long one and it will be mainly walk and trot so she will be fit enough for that – I just cannot wait to get out and about again! Im booked in with another lady from the riding club who was looking for a buddy so will be nice to meet some new people.

The horsebox has its MOT next month so once that dreaded event is over, I will see how many pennies remain (yes pennies as I know it needs some work ☹) so I can budget to get some lessons booked in once I find an instructor. I will be excited for my first lesson but also worried as to how bad my riding may have become due to the break I bet I will have some bad habits and although im sure my partner would try, he wouldn’t have the foggiest as to what he was looking for!

Horse training

The whole yard is now starting to look completely different to when we moved up there, the arena builder was kind enough to do some field fencing for us which looks great and also hardcore the muddy entrance to the yard from the main drive so no more fear of the horse box or farriers van getting stuck in wet weather hurrah! We’ve taken down the majority of the harris fencing so it doesn’t look so enclosed and will be focusing on the field fencing as our next project alongside sorting outsome of the paddocks as theres a few sections that need the moss removing. Im looking forward to the grass seed all growing round the arena as it will look really nice once it does (just mud at the minute).

I’m excited to see what other jobs we can get completed this year alongside getting out and about at some more competitions.

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