What is equine massage?
29/09/2020In amongst the day-to-day practicalities of arranging horse insurance, feeding, mucking out and grooming, a dose of equine massage could be a welcome relief.
In amongst the day-to-day practicalities of arranging horse insurance, feeding, mucking out and grooming, a dose of equine massage could be a welcome relief.
It’s all go this week, feels like we have been waiting forever, but fingers crossed in just under a weeks’ time the arena build commences!!
I’m still buzzing from the fun we had at the pleasure ride the other weekend! The riding club were so friendly and helpful and had organised it brilliantly. We were second to set out on the ride so had time for booting up and a quick biscuit (for energy before we started 😉) We met up with the pony I caught running down the road a few months back and her loaner Laura and her boyfriend.
So how did the wonky horse get on at her physio review?
Reversing a vehicle can be challenging enough without the added dimension of a horse trailer in the mix. With reduced visibility, the extra length of the trailer and the fact it moves in a different direction to the expected one, many drivers find this a nerve-wracking proposition.
Reading these tips on checking for horsebox hazards today could stop potential heartache in the future.
As a prey species horses are adept at covering up weakness. So when horses eventually show signs of dental problems they may have already been developing for some time.
Caring for a horse properly is a big responsibility and can become overwhelming if you start to experience financial problems or an unexpected change in circumstances.
If you remember, a couple of blogs ago I mentioned that I had entered Diva into a virtual show in aid of the Shetland Pony Welfare Trust. Well, an amazing sum of £1200 was raised by the show. I had also sneakily entered by sister’s pony Melland Jackson Jive without telling her, so when the results came out it was great fun to let her know how well he had done.