Paula Anne Frazer - a little bit about me...

Paula Anne Frazer - a little bit about me...



I've introduced you to my rowdy rabble of ponies but everyone has that moment that a flick is switched inside you and you're suddenly and incomprehensibly drawn to the sweet smell of haylage and the insane desire to charge around a cross country course or even just the sensitivity that comes with owning a horse.


Whatever it was for you, here is my story...

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Fly Away!

Fly Away!



The summer is upon us.

But it isn’t all fun n’ frolics, there’s a lingering danger waiting in the wings, with their wings...


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Saddle up for Harry 2018

Saddle up for Harry 2018



Equesure is proud to be sponsoring the Saddle up for Harry sponsored ride on Saturday 14th July.


We are covering all costs of this event, so every penny of your entrance fee will go direct to Helping Harry!

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Welcome to Equesure!

Welcome to Equesure!



Welcome to our new website :D

The team are very excited at the prospect of building a wonderful online community of equine enthusiast, we not only want to arrange for you a level of cover that you can rely on but keep you updated with our yard stories and topics covering many equine disciplines.


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