I’ve spent the week concentrating a lot on Bob as I wanted him to be ready for the show, so we spent time doing pole work, around the clock practice and figure of 8 jumping, all which he did really well – we even attempted the practice for one of the intro dressage tests… err a bit more work needed here …let’s leave it at that for now haha!


Autumn had a fairly easy week although she did do some usual schooling work, working on her transitions and also her halts – as she really isn’t good at square halts. She’s still having the occasional mad moment coming in from the field which makes her a major handful, although one evening last week I was unlucky enough to have both her and Aria deciding to have a competition as to who could fly buck the highest whilst going down the walkway! It’s fair to say they both won an award from me – for being the biggest pain in the butts that evening – I think my arms have both stretched a good few inches!


Madam ratbag (Aria) has also had a fairly easy week, I’ve still done ground and lunge work with her but put off the ridden side for a while as the arena was very boggy and I didn’t want any strain on her legs – well the arena is dry now so we are getting back on with it again over the next few weeks – positive thoughts and body armour at the ready – I’m not fancying doing any cartwheels off her back that’s for sure!


I’m in the process of sweet talking the other half to agree for another SJ outing next week, he had planned to do some DIY in the house but I’m trying to convince him how much more fun it will be at the show with Bob (missing out the cold weather, wind and excitable horse haha) – I suppose I could bribe him with a bacon and egg roll followed by cake whilst he is there as a reward (well the best way to keep him sweet is his belly haha)! I’ve also booked Bob in for his first SJ lesson of the year in a couple of weeks and I can’t wait – we haven’t had any training with her since I first bought him so can’t wait for her to see our progress and help us improve😊

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