Paula's Blog - The Arena Build Should Begin Next Week

Paula's Blog - The Arena Build Should Begin Next Week


We have some good news… the arena build should begin next week!!! Yippee!!!!!! I have been climbing the walls the last couple of weeks in anticipation and due to struggling to get much riding in due to the ground conditions. The lack of riding has been causing me to want to distract myself by rigorously cleaning and planning to redecorate our house and so it can’t come fast enough before I make some dodgy paint or wallpaper decisions on a whim!

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5 exercises for a stronger back

5 exercises for a stronger back


Riding a horse is not like sitting on a chair. It might look like a rider is fairly still, but in reality just maintaining balance on a horse uses all kinds of muscle groups. If your muscles are not up to the job, or there’s a problem with your riding technique, this can lead to back problems and pain.

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Christie's Blog - Terrible Twosome

Christie's Blog - Terrible Twosome


I think the mild autumn, has caused a grass sugar rush to the head of Travis and Ben! They are acting like naughty youngsters earning themselves both some time on the naughty step. Do you ever just know before you have even tacked up that you are about to have one of 'those' rides! Well that is these two. I will actually be glad when the grass looses some green!

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Paula's Blog - Sweetening him up for more work

Paula's Blog - Sweetening him up for more work


What a soggy few weeks, the fields are definitely not liking it and turning to a bog. The hay fairy will need to put in a delivery soon as I’ve gone through another of my huge square bales supplementing the horses when they are out in the fields (my partner keeps asking me why can’t you have a cheap hobby).


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