The Not-So-Secret Diary of Diva the Shetland Pony - New Diets

The Not-So-Secret Diary of Diva the Shetland Pony - New Diets


The weather recently has been providing perfect conditions for an increased risk of laminitis to horses and ponies, with cold frosty nights and sunny days increasing the sugars in the grass. The next week or so sees warmer overnight temperatures and some rain, so the grass will be growing rapidly. Laminitis is such a horrifically painful condition and leads to the death of many horses and ponies each year.

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How to take care of a pregnant mare

How to take care of a pregnant mare


What do you need to know about taking care of a pregnant mare? How should you stable her, feed her, and exercise her? And how can horse insurance help you keep her healthy throughout that long gestation period? Read on for our guide.

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How to retrain an ex-racehorse

How to retrain an ex-racehorse


Ex-racers who have already been away from the track for some retraining can be suitable for a whole range of equine disciplines. However, if you’re looking to buy a horse fresh from a racing career, then you’ll need to do some careful research into retraining. To get you started we’ve put together some guidance on how to retrain one of these sensitive and spirited animals.

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Paula's Blog - Spring is in the 'Bob'!

Paula's Blog - Spring is in the 'Bob'!


The weather has been glorious the past few weeks and I never thought I would say it after the winter we had….but pllleeaaassseee an we have some rain?! The grass seed is struggling and the fields are not as green or growing as quickly as I would like! I’m supplementing the horses with hay still which has gone on longer than I originally planned and due to the odd cold temperatures and frosts they are still living in at night. Grrr I want them to live out the novelty of mucking out has truly worn off!

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Christie's Blog - Light at the end of the tunnel!

Christie's Blog - Light at the end of the tunnel!


Who else has felt the pain of this winter? It's hard to believe we are coming into spring, and yet the last of lockdown is still keeping those winter blues in place! Unfortunately due to the weather here, and the ridiculous hot headed nature of my horses, combined with no travel or arena hire allowed I haven't been able to take the boys out anywhere or ride.

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